Schools a place where one goes to learn, have fun and enjoy life. But we all know that most of the schools have  very uninspiring walls that almost surround the whole portion of the school including the classes halls etc. With such bland backgrounds sometimes it is very difficult for students to concentrate or rather enjoy in the School. So in Paris a dormitory was ordered to be painted by 100 artist before it went for Renovation. These 100 graffiti artists spent almost three weeks painting this student lodgings of Cité Internationale Universitaire at Paris into a  stunning commemoration of art and creativity. This all happened in an urban festival which ran from 16 June to 16 July, before it was reopened of students. Here are  some of our favorite pictures below.

#A 100 graffiti artists university painting rehab2 paris 1 7 596dd82128987 png 880



100 graffiti artists university painting rehab2 paris 3 596dae792b724 880



100 graffiti artists university painting rehab2 paris 596db5f5f24c2 880



100 graffiti artists university painting rehab2 paris 2 1 596dc1144d77a 880


#E100 graffiti artists university painting rehab2 paris 36 1 596dc1af762df 880



100 graffiti artists university painting rehab2 paris 596db749730e9 880



100 graffiti artists university painting rehab2 paris 6 596dae811b7a0 880



100 graffiti artists university painting rehab2 paris 37 1 596dc226be0df 880



100 graffiti artists university painting rehab2 paris 596dbc40c07c4 880



100 graffiti artists university painting rehab2 paris 15 1 596dc50cae9d9 880



100 graffiti artists university painting rehab2 paris 596dbb041894d 880


#L 100 graffiti artists university painting rehab2 paris 8 596dae867613d 880


Source: Dominyka Jurkštaitė

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