Everyone enjoys riddles ever since ancient Babylon. Almost every culture and period had its type of brain teasers, word games, and puzzles. Those gymnastics for the mind have shown up in modern times as well in the form of Sudoku, crossword puzzles, and video games. They have even started to show up in the entertainment industry.

TV shows include riddles for many reasons. While sometimes they are there to help the character learn or discover something, sometimes they are just playing a part of the lesson in an educational program. Sometimes, a prominent character plays with riddles to sound mysterious. These riddles lead the characters to an escape room where they have to solve the riddle as a part of the situation.

The primary reason why TV shows include riddles is that they are actually fun and people like it when the characters try to solve them. With that had, here is a list of 5 really intriguing riddles from TV shows –

Brooklyn Nine-Nine



“There are 12 men on an island. 11 of them weigh the same and one of them is either slightly heavier or slightly lighter. You have a seesaw to determine who the odd one is out but you must figure this out in three measurements of the seesaw or less.”


Using the see-saw to figure out the weigh islanders 1-4 against 5-8 and the possibilities include:

  • 1-4 weigh the same as 5-8
  • 1-4 weigh heavier than 5-5
  • Or 1-4 weigh lighter than 5-8

Batman: The Animated Series



“I have billions of eyes, yet I live in darkness; I have millions of ears, yet only four lobes; I have no muscle, yet I rule two hemispheres – what am I?”


The human brain has billions of auditory and optic nerves, two hemispheres, and four lobes.

Law & Order: Criminal Intent



“Two identical doors. Two identical guards. One guard is an angel guarding heaven; he always tells the truth. And the other guard is a devil guarding hell; he always has to lie. You have one question to ask to get into heaven. What would that question be?”


Ask the guard about the door that leads to heaven.

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic



“I shine brightest in the dark. I am there but cannot be seen. To have me costs you nothing. To be without me costs you everything.”



The Office



“A man is found hanging dead from the ceiling of a room. The ceiling in the room is 15 feet high. The man is only 6 feet tall and the rope was only 4 feet long. There are no windows and only one door into the room. The door is bolted shut from the inside and there is a puddle of water under the man. How did he kill himself?”


The man possibly stepped on a block of ice and got himself hung but the ice melted.

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