In 2003, Marvel released the movie Daredevil which is also the first of their many Avengers, followed by The Incredible Hulk in 2008. In 2011, Marvel released Thor, the first movie ever created under The Avengers, which was a great success. They reunited again in 2012 with the release of the blockbuster movie The Avengers, which grossed more than 755 million dollars worldwide in its opening weekend.

Today we’re living in an era where audiences can’t get enough of these super-powerful human beings called superheroes. At the core of Netflix’s Marvel show, The Defenders, there has been one major burning question: will the street-level hero team ever meet up with its movie counterparts?

With that being said, here are the top 5 reasons why bringing Defenders to MCU could end up a disaster –

The Tones Are Very Different

Marvel’s Defenders
Marvel’s Defenders

The tone of the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies and Netflix series are vastly different. This difference cannot be reconciled when you’re talking about bringing these worlds together. The MCU films are geared toward a general audience while the Netflix series was created based on more adult themes. An example of this can be expressed in season one of Jessica Jones, where we witnessed ex-superheroine Jessica “snap” someone’s neck – something you would never see in an MCU movie. Thus the violence of this nature does not align with the tones of these films as they are meant for younger audiences.

There Is Barely Any Space Left In The MCU

Marvel Cinematic Universe
Marvel Cinematic Universe

The number of characters in the MCU is overwhelming. It’s such a large universe with its component parts, let alone the solo franchises that make up the larger universe. Every character gets its last hurrah, whether they’re part of a team or not. And while it’s fun to see Spider-Man alongside his fellow Avengers, there isn’t enough screen time to go around. We think that new additions like The Defenders will only make things worse because people who genuinely care about a character won’t get enough time with them.

New Introductions Would Be Challenging

The Defenders and Marvel Studios
The Defenders and Marvel Studios

In terms of promoting their characters, Marvel Studios has stuck to a certain formula. These Marvel Cinematic Universe superheroes first appear in their own respective movies, gaining more exposure as time goes on. However, if the Defenders from Netflix were brought over into one of these future films, Marvel would find them in a similar testy situation. They’d be forced to either awkwardly introduce each character or compromise on the quality and perhaps confuse the audience. A better plan of action might be to just leave things as they are and avoid any issue at all altogether.

A Crossover Would Put The Things On Hiatus

Daredevil and MCU crossover
Daredevil and MCU crossover

Iron Fist has already been scheduled for release early next year. And Daredevil (show) and The Punisher will go into production shortly. Considering how popular the series has proven to be thus far, it would be likely that Marvel will want these characters to appear in their films. Doing so could pose potential risks of annoying Netflix fans. It’d also impact the fans who prefer streaming episodes at home rather than spending money in theatres.

It Is Not Really Necessary

Marvel Studios
Marvel Studios

Marvel is currently at the peak of its cinematic career. For the past eight years, every one of its films has been an enormous success at the box office. And for this financial gain, Marvel may have to deal with the aforementioned issues. But let’s not get too critical for now. There’s no way a crossover could possibly harm hugely successful film franchises or television shows from Marvel. But it is apparently not necessary.

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