Dr. Strange 2 marked Sam Raimi’s long-awaited return to the superhero genre movies and fans had mixed responses. Sam Raimi marked his statement in the superhero genre by making Tobey Macquire’s spiderman trilogy. People also started guessing will Dr Strange 2 replace Spider-Man trilogy as Sam Raimi’s greatest superhero flick? However, the Ice Cream song and music spellcasting between Earth-616 Strange and Sinister Strange is what fans will always remember.

Danny Elfman, The man behind Musical Mayhem

Danny Elfman
Danny Elfman

Dr. Strange Multiverse of Madness had Raimi’s magic of horror and superhero style of direction. Danny Elfman, Musical Composer was the maestro behind the music of most of the films that Sam Raimi directed. Strangely, The Ice Cream song became one of the most viral scenes of the film. Reportedly, Jett Klyne and Julian Hilliard confirmed that the “we like ice cream” song was not improvised, as it was very much in the script and the songs were sung by themselves.

Read more, Every Time Doctor Strange Was Brutally Roasted in Multiverse of Madness

Billy and Tommy Maximoff sang the song by themselves

Ice Cream Song Dr Strange
Billy (Julian Hilliard) and Tommy (Jett Klyne)

Jett Klyne sarcastically considered that the Ice Cream song was “cringey”. He said, “‘This is very cringey,’ [I thought the] first time. Julian loved it for some reason.” However, composer Danny Elfman’s contribution to brief the scene emphasized how vital of a role composers have in MCU movies. “We had a recording of the song by him himself…”, said Elfman.

Read more, Doctor Strange 2: Daniel Craig Was Reportedly Cast as 7th Illuminati Member – Balder the Brave

Fans’ reactions to Dr Strange 2 Ice Cream song

Wanda Maximoff
Wanda Maximoff

Film scores have been a tone-setter, dictating the emotions of audiences. Even being a cringey song and being an out-of-context song, it turned out to be a crucial moment within the Scarlet Witch’s character arc. The emotional pure-hearted song depicted the motherly encouragement to the boys to sing. 

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