A latest book by Marvel Studios revealed that Captain America’s shield underwent a replacement after getting highlighted as “cartoonish.”


Bringing Captain America To Life

One of the most prominent symbols of Marvel Cinematic Universe and Marvel Comics is the Vibranium shield of Captain America. With that being said, the one that appeared on the big screen looked quite different before Kevin Feige stepped in as the boss.

The Story of Marvel Studios: The Making of the Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Story of Marvel Studios: The Making of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, a character played by Chris Evans, first appeared in the MCU with the 2011 release, Captain America: The First Avenger. As per the recently launched book, The Story of Marvel Studios: The Making of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Kevin Feige was quite impressed and happy with how the team managed to introduce the Captain America suit on the big screen. He claimed that it looked “real and believable.” But Captain’s shield got quite a different remark.

The Shield Was Kind Of Cartoonish

Kevin Feige was not really happy and sure about Captain America’s shield and its look. As a result, he suggested the team step back and give its design a second thought. What fans currently see on-screen is essentially the modified version of it that made it look quite vibrant and smooth. Strange but Stephen Broussard, the co-producer of The First Avenger referred to the sheet as “kind of cartoonish.”

Captain America’s shield in the MCU
Captain America’s shield in the MCU

The book, The Story of Marvel Studios: The Making of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, even highlighted what Ryan Meinerding, the concept artist of Captain America, echoed about the character designing process for Captain America. It revealed that Meinerding processed a re-structuring of the shield and gave it a much sober look to appear on screen. However, when the team visited Barry Gibbs, the property master of the movie, the consultation gave the shield a complete new look from inside-out. But if it wasn’t for Kevin Feige who pumped the entire idea to brake at the 11th floor, Marvel fans would have been discussing the scene and franchise for some other reason.

With all being said, the legacy that Steve Rogers, AKA Captain America, has left behind is an integral plot of the MCU and recent Disney+ release The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. However, the Disney+ series concluded with Falcon reclaiming the shield and accepting the mantle of Captain America. Thus, it would be Mackie who is again going to reprise his role in the upcoming Captain America film.

Source: CBR

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