The film industry is quite uncertain – usually. There are various occasions when the most hyped films fail hard. If you take a glance at the assessments of this summer’s Rotten Tomatoes scores, you might see that almost half of the top 20 movies at the box office are officially declared “rotten” by critics, something that’s a shocking number.

In fact, the numbers reveal that there are more series that eventually fail to make a lasting mark on the fans and critics, alike. Various TV shows have gone on to be judged the worst by both, the audiences and critics.

There are various factors that contribute to a TV series’ poor performance. These are a budget lack, poor quality, low viewership, rapid cancellation, sometimes, offensive content, and last but not the least, the negative impact it has on other shows on the same network.

Today, let’s take a look back at a few of TV’s worst failures in the past two decades.

Viva Laughlin

Viva Laughlin
Viva Laughlin

The CBS series was filmed at the peak of Hugh Jackman’s fame; Viva Laughlin was nothing but a ruined Americanization of Blackpool, which was a classic British series.

The plot of the film traces the somewhat complicated life of an upstart casino after he somehow wrongfully finds himself implicated in an investigation of a horrifying murder- something that’s quite irrelevant when we compare it to the unique musical genre that the Viva Laughlin had.

Terra Nova

Terra Nova
Terra Nova

For everyone who’s seen Terra Nova, they know its mere existence seems almost too good to be actually true. A grandly realized sci-fi series that was under the faithful purview of the genius, Steven Spielberg, and produced in association with Fox. Creator of Terra Nova, Craig Silverstein heralded that for him, Terra Nova was a lot bigger bow than the famous Lost, going on to promote the series as the ultimate four-quadrant series before the premiere date.

However, the series always found itself in turmoil. It struggled to find an attractive lead actor who would have been a treat to one’s eyes and to the project simultaneously. The producers for the series also courted actor Kyle Chandler and Kevin Bacon, (before finally deciding to settle on Jason O’Mara). Terra Nova did manage to hold onto its ratings at the time of its season premiere, however, the numbers dwindled as Terra Nova moved towards the finale of its first season.

Low Winter Sun

Low Winter Sun
Low Winter Sun

We are certain there will be fans who would remember Low Winter Sun, but it’s probably as a fuzzy memory – and well, the series had nothing much to hold on to either. The series on AMC debuted at a time when Breaking Bad was about to end. Low Winter Sun was a crime drama and its initial ratings were bolstered by AMC’s clever broodling of some sneak peeks from Breaking Bad during the commercial breaks of the first season.

However, it failed to connect with the viewers and as it turned out, Low Winter Sun never went on to succeed on itself, despite the mildly positive reception it got by the critics.

Season 2 – True Detective

True Detective Season 2
True Detective Season 2

The season started at the right note, but then it was never able to manage to right itself. It concluded at a point that even left even hopeful viewers cynical about everything that had come before.

They never managed to right itself, even ending with a resolution that went on to leave fans very hopeful True Detective fans cynical about all that had come unlikely.



One of the undisputed facts that the biggest failure this year is Vinyl: a series whose creative pedigree (the likes of Terence Winter, Martin Scorsese, and Mick Jagger) couldn’t prevent the series from floundering under its own surmise. Whatever one might say, the series that HBO anticipated would end up getting a cult following to its rival and highly successful series Game of Thrones.

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