Post it murals are not an easy thing to make, and take up a lot of your time and energy. Doing wall art with post its, and things just get that much harder.


But a designer named Ben Brucker gave his whole office floor a whole new “super” look with post it notes, some really hardworking people and a lot of time.

The Idea:

Ben ended up using 8024 post it’s to give his walls a whole new décor and the end results are super cool. I mean, it has super heroes, a whole lot of them – that’s bound to be cool!


The designer who is from San Francisco decided he wanted to transform the walls of his workplace. He works at an eBay Enterprise-owned commerce design agency called The Shop. And with his idea, and the help of his co workers, he created something that is truly amazing.

Brucker posted a photo of his “drab” walls on Reddit.


“This is a creative agency, but walking into the office, you wouldn’t know it. I wanted us to feel like the space was truly ours, and for us to enjoy it.” said the designer.

The guy thought a paint job would be too time consuming, and settled on working with post it notes. He then went on to make a mock plan to see how his vision would turn out to look like and then got the post it notes ready to work with.


The Production:

Over a weekend Brucker, a few of his colleagues and a few other welcome participants joined in on a 12 hour endeavor to give their office walls a new look. They made systematic work, covering the walls in two foot sections, and everyone pitched in to help out.


Each piece of décor turned out to be 34 post it high. Even though this was Brucker’s first-ever attempt at Post-it art and pixel art, the end results as we can see, were absolutely brilliant.

From Superman and Batman to Wonder Woman and Scarlet Witch and even Iron Man and Captain America, there is a place for everyone in these walls. You can even see Spider Man hanging from his web, and everything looks amazing.


“I think it’s important to not hate your work environment. And if you have an opportunity to change it, you should. It should reflect the personality of the people who work there every day.” Brucker said. The response he got the next Monday morning after the job from the rest of his colleagues was absolutely overwhelming.

This low-key makes us want to change the décor of my own room. And as time consuming as it might be, the end results seem to be pretty satisfactory.

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